Here are some of the press releases in both Chinese and English I wrote for Touch Ceramics on their upcoming exhibitions. The press releases successfully attracted a lot of media to feature those exhibitions as well as created noise and engagement to them. Please scroll down for Chinese and for more works.
For old time's sake - An exhibition of Rosanna Li Wei-han's Ceramic Figurines
2019.07.05 - 08.18
Opening reception: 2019.07.05 (FRI) 6:30pm
How much has been changed in ten years?​
Is the 'Cha chaan teng (Hong Kong style restaurant)' you used to visit still the same? You might still be using Walkman by then but it has been replaced by your smartphone now all ready right? What about the Cantonese song you used to listen to days and night? Can you still find the family-run grocery stores you used to visit downstairs? Or they have been taken over by chain stores?​
Touch Ceramics is excited to hold a solo exhibition for one of the most well-known local ceramic artists, Rosanna Li Wei-han. In this exhibition, she will showcase a selection of her signature fat and lovely ceramic figurines created in recent ten years across themes and topics. From listening to Walkman to shopping in grocery stores; from enjoying a meal alone in 'Dai pai dong (outdoor food stall)' to having a feast with partner in 'Cha chaan teng’, her works summarise the life of each and every ordinary Hong Konger in the previous decade. No matter how much has changed, the funny postures and adorable smiles of the figurines are still the same. Aren’t they cheering up the Hong Kongers in a way?
We sincerely invite you to come to the exhibition, feel the old days and ponder how much you have changed in these ten years.
舊歡如胖 - 李慧嫻陶塑展
2019.07.05 - 08.18
開幕禮:2019.07.05 (FRI) 6:30pm


Touch Ceramics 即將為香港資深陶藝家李慧嫻舉辦個人陶塑作品展,透過她近十年來不同主題的創作帶大家重溫昔日的歲月。李慧嫻擅長以胖乎乎的陶塑小人物展示老香港風貌,是次展覽將以《舊歡‧如胖》為題,展出她過往不同系列的陶塑作品,從隨身聽到購物樂;從一個人的大排檔午餐,到兩個人的茶餐廳馬戲團。雖然題材各異,但總離不開我們曾經的日常生活,肥胖的陶塑小人物臉上掛著的笑臉,像是在為汲汲營營的香港人打打氣。

In a Crowded Silence- Silvia Granata's Solo Ceramics Exhibition
2019.08.23 - 10.06

Opening reception with Silvia Granata: 2019.08.23 (FRI) 6:30pm

Touch Ceramics is proud to hold a solo exhibition for Silvia Granata, a talented ceramic artist who is famous for her works with thousands of porcelain segments applied one next to the other in order to represent flows: a structured rhythm made of full and empty spaces, of concave and convex particles, of shades of colours. You may first think for a group of crowded peaks when you see her works. When you look closer, they are more like some tender feathers aligning in a certain direction. And when you try to trace the direction of the works, you have then entered a silent and peaceful world.

Silvia is an award winner in ceramics around the world. In the past six years, she has almost 30 exhibitions in Europe as well as Asia, while her works have also been collected by a number of museums. This exhibition is also her first solo exhibition in Asia. We sincerely invite to you come to he exhibition, and explore a new dimension of contemporary ceramics art.
In a Crowded Silence 簇。擁 Silvia Granata 陶瓷個展
2019.08.23 - 10.06

開幕禮:2019.08.23 (FRI) 6:30pm

Touch Ceramics 十分榮幸邀請到意大利陶瓷藝術家Silvia Granata來港舉行個人展覽,Silvia 擅長用數以千計的瓷片組合成不同的空間排列,瓷片之間的疏密、排列的方向、顏色的反差,都代表著她創作時的心境。她的作品遠看峰巒簇擁,近看又像是輕柔的羽毛,吸引著觀眾沿著作品的軌跡探索,繼而進入了作品當中。

Art and Literature - Exhibition on Life Aesthetics of Song Dynasty
2020.02.07 - 2020.03.08
A thousand years ago, Song Dynasty was one of the most prosperous era in history, it was as well an age of cultural expansion. The people developed their own aesthetics in poems, calligraphy, painting, ceramic as well as tea ceremony, each showed their simplicity, respect to Nature and the class.
Scholar-officials, intellectual and artists at that time also gathered for cultural activities such as incense-burning, tea ceremony, appreciating ink-works as well as floral arrangements. All of these showed their unique understanding and anticipation in the beauty of lives and everything, and deeply influenced the Japanese culture afterwards.
In this spring, from 7th February to 8th March, Touch Ceramics will present the  Art and Literature - Exhibition on Life Aesthetics of Song Dynasty by showcasing the ceramics works from Japan and Taiwan. Other than tea bowls and incense burners, we will also feature award-winning Taiwanese artist, Liu Rong-hui’s new works, which are both modern and classy, decorative yet functional.
To echo with the theme of the exhibition, we will also hold a series of workshops on the tea ceremony and incense appreciation in Song Dynasty. Hope to see you at Touch Ceramics.
文心宋韻 宋朝生活美學展
2020.02.07 - 2020.03.08
Touch Ceramics將於今年春季,2月7日至3月1日,舉行「文心宋韻 宋朝生活美學展」,以來自日本及台灣的陶藝作品,與宋朝的生活美學進行跨時代的呼應,展出建盞、香爐以外,更特別邀得台灣著名陶藝家劉榮輝創作一系列古絕與現代感並重的新作,打造一片清微淡遠的宋韻。
無言的前衛 日本茶道具展
睽違一年,Touch Ceramics再次為大家帶來日本茶道具展。是次展覽以「無言的前衛」為題,無言是因為在茶道的過程沒有話語,也是因為器物不會說話,但它們卻能默默地與欣賞它的人產生互動,慰藉使用者的心靈。

是次展覽除了展出不同風格的傳統茶道具外,Touch Ceramics更邀得日本當代陶藝家新宮さやか、白井渚以及台灣陶藝家鍾雯婷為我們創作出茶碗的新面貌,展覽期間,我們亦會舉辦一系列的茶道體驗,跟大家細說茶道及茶道具背後的深意,以及茶道如何進入都市人的生活之中。



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