Founded in 2012, Eldpathy Hong Kong is a start-up social enterprise providing elderly simulation experience to youngsters in order for them to physically, and then psychologically, feel how it feels to be old. Eldpathy believes that through such experience, people will understand more about their elder generations in their family and hence, extend the empathy to all the elders in the society. I was one of the founding member of the company helping with the public relations and social media management. After almost seven years, the company growing and influencing more and more corporates, NGOs, schools and individual. This is definitely one of the highlights of my university years. 
The Facebook page of Eldpathy the cover photo I took at an event in 2014
The Facebook page of Eldpathy the cover photo I took at an event in 2014
One of the posts I wrote for the page
One of the posts I wrote for the page
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